
Sunday, June 14, 2020

Failure Is Not the End of Your Life and Here Is Why?

Winstone Churchill once said, “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that count.” and as per personal experience I believe that success is meaningless without experiencing failure.

Even though we try to neglect we cannot change the fact that ‘failure’ is an important aspect of our day-to-day life most people are afraid of. But the truth is some of us have failed, some of us are failing today and some of us will probably fail tomorrow. What we need to remember here is that the only difference between successful and unsuccessful people is that successful people didn’t give up even after failing multiple times. We tend to think that people are lucky as they never experienced failure, but do we know the list failures behind their success stories? If you are still afraid here are some reasons to take failure positively:

Educational Modernization

Failure is the greatest teacher

Although it may sound harsh, failure is necessary to learn the ultimate lesson of life; you cannot give up not now, not ever, until you reach your goal. Failing will take place and it doesn’t matter how hard you try you will indeed have an encounter with it so developing the positive attitude that speaks “No fear” toward will surely help you in your blooming days.

Failure Determines your personality

There are two types of people who live in this world, one who finds failure as a permanent solution and give up and second who considers failure as a life lesson and learns from it. Considering failure as a temporary setback is the first step toward maturity.

We all experience sadness and sorrow after going through the failure which is completely normal and inevitable. And you experience failure then it is better to express the emotion rather than bottling them inside you. If you ever feel discouraged because of your failure then, read and listen to stories of successful people. it will help you to realize even the people who are successful now even have their fair share of failures. For instance; J.K Rowling was rejected by 11 publishing houses before finally launching Harry Potter. if they can do it so do you.

Failure takes you one step closer to your goal

In order to reach your goal, you need to move out of your comfort zone and push yourself to your limit to perform the impossible tasks. Developing a positive and fearless attitude toward failure will maximize your potential, encourage you, and boost your performance.

Failure encourages you to take risk

Ever heard about the famous phrase “No pain, no gain”. Well, the same applies when it comes to success, if you can’t deal with failure then, you don’t deserve to enjoy what comes after it. When you eliminate the fear of failure, you make yourself brave enough to take risks and enjoy the profit that comes with it.  As an aspirant, you should comprehend lessons that come with your failure and find better ways to build your dreams or someone else will hire you to build theirs.

In the end, you need to understand that every one of us has their own flaw as nobody is born perfect. What you need to do is turn your flaws into strengths by accepting failure and learning from your mistakes.