
Sunday, October 27, 2019

Why Education is Right of Every Person?

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” as the lines by the Nobel peace prize winner Nelson Mandela. No one can deny the fact that his contributions were great for the world, but one thing he put his most focus was to offer education to every human being.
Education is the only thing that has helped us in reaching Mars and there is no stopping to it. Sadly, there are numerous people around the globe who do not have access to basic education due to several reasons.

UNESCO has also made education the basic right of every person but not everybody has that privilege. The government also takes several initiatives to make sure that every person should have at least a basic education. However, there are some people who either do not want to get educated or cannot afford it. With that thing in mind, here are some of the reasons why education is considered as the right of every person.

Education System
Educational Modernization
1. It is Considered as a Fundamental Human Right

Most of the international bodies have recognized education as the fundamental human right. Illiterate people cannot read or write due to which they lag behind from their overall development. Moreover, they cannot contribute to society's development and will not help in making the world a better place to live. Education provides them with the basic knowledge so that they can read and write which helps them in attaining all the basic day to day tasks like traveling and working.

2. Education Lets People Know their Human Rights

The government provides several human rights to make every Indian equal according to law. However, to use these rights, one must be aware that there are any such rights granted to people by the government for their upliftment. People who are illiterate does not know about any human rights and can be easily misled by others. Education helps in gaining knowledge about these rights. With the help of education, they will come to know about what is wrong or right for them. In addition to that, it also helps in enhancing their intellect that will ensure that they are not manipulated by others and do what is best for them.

3. Earn Better Living and leads to Better Lifestyle

Everybody wants to have a lavish lifestyle which could be only possible when they are able to earn a better living for themselves. People who are not literate have difficulty in earning more than the minimum wage as they lack the skillset. This skillset develops with time and knowledge. With basic education, they can decide what they want to become and work harder on learning new things. Learning further will allow them to earn more living and attain a better lifestyle.

4. Gives Equal Opportunity to Every Child

Humans are competitive species where they compete with each other to survive. Unlike other species, this is not a competition of strength, but of intellect. People want to be better than the rest and it could be only possible with the right education. All those children who lack education are not given the equal opportunity to compete and hence they are left behind.

Education is the mightiest thing that could help a person in becoming a renowned person from nothing. Not only it will help children in making a better future but it will also allow them to bring a positive change in society.